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#1. Which of the following is not a data base application ?
#2. Which view shows all the slides at once ?
#3. How can you stop a slide show ?
#4. CD-ROM is a :
#5. Why are headers and footers used in the document ?
#6. The input unit of a computer
#7. There are three types of data found in a spreadsheet :
#8. In the URL http:// loksewa.com.np the portion labeled 'http' is the :
#9. Macros are :
#10. An attempt to slow down or stop a computer system or network by flooding the system with Requests for information is called a :
#11. How do you rearrange the data in ascending or descending order ?
#12. The advantage of using a spreadsheet is :
#13. Which one is a not system tool ?
#14. Which of the following is an absolute cell reference ?
#15. What would I choose to create a preformatted style ?
#16. How can you insert a sound file in your word document ?
#17. Which one is example of GUI ?
#18. A field that uniquely identify each record in a table is :
#19. Which one is not part of control panel ?
#20. The number of pixels displayed on a screen in known as the screen -
#21. To add two cells (A1 and A2) together you use the following formula :
#22. Which Operation is not performed by computers ?
#23. Which of the following shortcut key is used to check spelling MS Word ?
#24. A bookmark is an item or location in document that you identify an name for future reference. which of the following task is accomplished by using bookmarks ?
#25. Which is not a HTML tag ?
#26. A template stores :
#27. The default header for a worksheets is :
#28. What is the syntax to write the HTML tags ?
#29. Email uses……... protocol to transfer data from client to email server .
#30. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer ?
#31. The word length of mainframe computer is:
#32. You can create hyperlinks from the excel workbook to :
#33. Which of the following holds the ROM, CPU, RAM and expansion cards?
#34. Software can be categories into :
#35. Which symbol must all formula begin with :
#36. Fonts install from :
#37. In H2O the figure 2 is appeared lowered. Which effect has been applied ?
#38. What is the thesaurus used for ?
#39. What is the file extension of MS Word document ?
#40. The ASCII code of ‘A’ is:
#41. What do you mean by the vertical separation between columns ?
#42. Which of the following devices can be used to directly input printed text?
#43. An organized collection of logically related data is known as :
#44. Size of a database are usually measured in terms of :
#45. Typical data transfer rate in LAN are the order of :
#46. The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler are :
#47. To merge the cells which tab do you use from the format , cells menu ?
#48. On an excel sheet the active cell in indicated by :
#49. Actual execution of instructions in a computer takes place in :
#50. Recently deleted file restore from :