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#1. CD -ROM is a ........
#2. Which is not type of indent available in word ?
#3. Short cut key for manual column break in word .
#4. Shortcut key combination for displaying print dialog box is ………..
#5. By default, hoe many sheets will be in excel workbook ?
#6. Disk are further divided into ……………..
#7. If you need to duplicate the entire disk, which command will you use ?
#8. Which one is an internet browser ?
#9. Leader character is associated with …………
#10. Which of the following is features of MS word ?
#11. ……… increase the readability of text
#12. Which is the easiest method to go to MSDOS in windows environment ?
#13. Shortcut key combination for undo is …………
#14. The feature of MS word that combines a set of database records with a main document is ……
#15. Page numbering is inserted as …………….
#16. In MS word, which of the following is not available in paragraph spacing ?
#17. Which of the following is a page layout ?
#18. Which command is not internal command of DOS ?
#19. To paste, we use ………
#20. What is FAT stands for ?
#21. Page formatting which is used frequently in future is saved as ……….
#22. Which of the following are loaded in safe mode ?
#23. When a formatted number does not fit within a cells it display ?
#24. WAN, LAN, MAN are type of
#25. Ctrl + shift+ D is used for......