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#1. Database that contains tables linked by common field is called a
#2. Page setup for slides is available on :
#3. Where from you can insert shapes in your slide ?
#4. A web page in located using a :
#5. …………. Present data in a way similar to an excel spreadsheet .
#6. A world wide web contains web pages :
#7. Which of the following is a popular DOS based spreadsheet package ?
#8. In MS Excel, what do you mean by a workspace ?
#9. Which page orientation you will select, if you wish to print to wide format ?
#10. In MS-word, you can convert the document’s file format by applying the command :
#11. In MS –excel, B7:B9 indicates :
#12. What terms refers to a collection of related information ?
#13. The intersection of a row and column is called :
#14. Mail merge is concerned with :
#15. Which key used for slide show from beginning ?
#16. An excel workbook is a collection of :
#17. A DBMS allow you to create and maintain a database, create reports, and develop application programs, select the best fit answer :
#18. In MS Excel, what happens when dollar sign ($) are entered in a cell address ? (Ex:$B$2:$B$10)
#19. Which operator will combine text from two cells into one cell ?
#20. How do you display current date and time in MS Excel ?
#21. DBMS is :