#1. Which of the following is not an operating system ?
#2. The Second computer introduced in Nepal by the government was for
#3. Which device will process data ?
#4. WHich connector is used with twisted-pair cable?
#5. Which device resides at the centre of a star network and links the network
#6. Which key do you press to check spellings in power point ?
#7. Short-cut key combination for closing windows is…….
#8. Which file format can be added to a power point show ?
#9. Which of the following is not a component of Control panel ?
#10. Which one is the correct email Address ?
#11. How does the autocorrect features of MS word functions ?
#12. …… tool helps to reduce file access time from disk.
#13. Which is not true for operating system ?
#14. Which of the following performs modulation and demodulation ?
#15. Which of the following is a file attribute ?
#16. Network Protocol is set :
#17. Which of the following is not a web browser ?
#18. P0P3 protocol in internet is related with……
#19. In Which Generation Computer were very large ?
#20. What are shortcut keys for copying and pasting a block of selected text ?
#21. If you want to write this text what format do you apply to the text ?
#22. What is the equivalent number (110) 2 = (?) 10
#23. Which of the following is not a computer language ?
#24. What is command key sequence to crate table is MS word ?
#25. What symbols are not allowed for file name created with MS word ?