#1. Which protocol is used to transfer E-mail ?
#2. Which is the first commercial computer ?
#3. Notepad is used for
#4. IF you have network and you are transfer file then what will be done
#5. To add new slide in Power point, what is the keyboard shortcut key ?
#6. Collection of interrelated data is known as :
#7. The basic SQL select statement has three clauses
#8. Which transfer translate whole source program into object program at once
#9. Which is not the database Application ?
#10. To remove extra space from the left site of string which if used ?
#11. MS access can import file form ……….
#12. The Relational model defines to root language relational algebra & relational calculus for a accessing
#13. The unit of hardware an operator uses to monitor computer processing is ……..
#14. HTTP is :
#15. Operating system that used the BIOS ……….
#16. You can apply slide design scheme form
#17. Which of the following is not characteristics of relational data base model ?
#18. The highest level in the hierarchy of data organization is called
#19. What is the name of operating system that reads as reacts in terms of actual time ?
#20. Which command make the text “Nepal” capital ?
#21. Command to copy all files form floppy drive A: to a directory of myfiles in a drive C:………
#22. Meaning of metadata is :
#23. Windows XP is ……………….
#24. An entity is :
#25. Which is not true for memory ? (Additional)