#1. Mouse is an …….device ?
#2. The digital signal can be represented by …..?
#3. Which is the following in the type of computer on the bases of size ?
#4. Which one has the highest storage capacity?
#5. Power point is usually used for ?
#6. Which of the following is not hardware ?
#7. Which is not a part of the CPU ?
#8. Which input device cannot be used to work in MS office ?
#9. Recently delete file restore from ?
#10. Everything you see on the screen in called the ………….?
#11. Which is not a HTML tag ?
#12. Which Facility is not available in MS EXCEL?
#13. The cell tablet F5 Refresh to ….?
#14. Microsoft word cannot be used for ?
#15. Which one is a not system tool ?
#16. Which on of the following is only input device?
#17. Component of computer system ……………?
#18. Word processing, spread sheet, and photo- editing are example of :
#19. What is the syntax to write the HTML tag ?
#20. A web pages is located using a ?
#21. Find the odd one out ?
#22. MS Access is used for ?
#23. Which of the following is not a operating system ?
#24. The word length of mainframe computer is ?
#25. The intersection of a raw and column is called…?
#26. Page setup for slides is available on ?
#27. IBM 1401 was brought to prepare the census report of …?
#28. Transistor is related to ………….. generation computer ?
#29. Which operation is not performed by computers ?
#30. Which function key is used to break the column ?