#1. Which is not Data field type?
#2. Which menu provide apply design in power point?
#3. How many options are displays in power point starting?
#4. Which short-cut is used to column break?
#5. How do you create news paper column?
#6. Data store in ….?
#7. What is multimedia?
#8. Which is the latest version of MS-Word?
#9. Which is database application?
#10. In which generation is transistor used.
#11. What is the function of Recycle Bin?
#12. Which is the first Computing Device?
#13. Table is ………….?
#14. OLE means
#15. Desktop is a …..?
#16. 1 nibble contains……………..bit
#17. How many sheets will open when excel is loaded?
#18. What is the name of Excel File?
#19. Web site is a……..?
#20. Which character fixes row or column?
#21. We can create new document from ……?
#22. Full form of E-R Diagram?
#23. URL is a …..?
#24. Which Short-cut use to slide show?
#25. Function of F5 is power point?
#26. Full form of LSI?
#27. Which is not related with database ?
#28. Advantage of Networking ?
#29. Which device will process data?
#30. What ……...is the shortcut key for Superscript?
#31. Which character forms the formula mode in Excel?
#32. Font folder is located in ……………….?
#33. What is the function of folder?
#34. What should you used to create newspaper style?
#35. Which one of the following is element of CPU?
#36. Which one of the following is fastest?
#37. Which one is not database object?
#38. The abbreviation of HTML is ………?
#39. Database utility exist in ……menu
#40. Which on is primary storage?