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#1. A switchboard is a kind of :
#2. Virtual memory is :
#3. Which of the following is the latest among these version of excel ?
#4. A protocol is :
#5. Charles babbage invented the :
#6. MS – power point is a ………….. software .
#7. Program developed according to the requirement specific to ministry of commerce and supply is :
#8. Graphical representation of worksheet data is :
#9. Which of the following is not related to computer ?
#10. Hard disk can be used as : (modified)
#11. Filter option is used to :
#12. Shortcut key to bring format cells dialog box is :
#13. Full form of HTML is :
#14. Which is an operating system ?
#15. …………… tool helps to reduce file access time from disk .
#16. 1 KB is equal to :
#17. File with which extension is not executable ?
#18. Shortcut key combination for Undo is :
#19. Through which device to the main components of the computer communicate with each other ?
#20. Round robin scheduling is essentially the preemptive version of :
#21. Which of the following companies developed MS office 2000 ?
#22. …………. Increase the readability of text .
#23. MS – Access support :
#24. Which type of filter cannot be navigated using clip art browser ?
#25. In which way does MS office provides help ?