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#1. What do you press to enter the current date in a cell ?
#2. A field or group of field that uniquely identifies every row of table is
#3. ……… is a collection of data stored in a standardized format, designed to be shared by multiple users.
#4. The oldest data base models are :
#5. Which of the following is concatenating (adding) operator in excel ?
#6. Which is not the characteristics of computer ?
#7. The storage capacity of hard disk is measured is …………………
#8. In Microsoft power point the entry effect as one slide replaces another in a slow is called a (an) :
#9. If CPU is brain of computer then CU is ……………….
#10. Excel is a ………….
#11. Who was the first to conceptualize and design a fully programmable mechanical computer analytical engine ?
#12. All peripheral devices connected to computer system are known as :
#13. When you creat two or four separate windows containing part of the spreadsheet that can be viewed, you have created ....
#14. Rounding errors can occur :
#15. The full form of ASCII is ………….
#16. Which one has the highest storage capacity ?
#17. What displays the content of the active cell in excel ?
#18. Where can you add graphics, movies and sound in MS power point ?
#19. To view a cell comment in excel :
#20. A templates file :
#21. What symbol excel is use to enter number as text ?
#22. Computer is a system having
#23. Mouse is an ……… devices
#24. Faster memory of computer system is ……….
#25. WAN, LAN, MAN are type of